MTC is the only Club in Marin that provides 2 state of the art Ball Machines free to members.  We currently have 1 up and running on court 10.   Due to supply chain delays,  we will not have both machine operational until late August/early September.

These are a great way to grove a new stroke, refine existing ones, practice learnings from a lesson with the Pro’s, pre-match warm-up or just get a good workout.

These machines are much simpler and way more reliable than our old machines.   Using the I-phone or I-Pad app (sorry – only works with Apple), you use your phone as the remote.  App allows you to start/stop drill, create/save/replay drilling programs, use pre-built drilling programs and monitor activity (balls hit, time used etc).


Benefits  Short Introductory Usage Videos
  • Manual set-up is simple & fast
    • Auto adjustment means you no longer  need to tinker with dials, watch where balls go & tinker some more.  Just select the options in the 3 preset boxes and hit balls!
    • Full access to old style controls if needed
  • Create multi-shot drills
    • Now you can combine shots into a single repeating drill:  Example of 3 shot drill:   Rally ball, short high ball, lob or whatever else you want
 Explanation of  Manual Control & Set-Up
  • I-phone/I-pad App (cost .99 cents) acts as:
    • Remote Control – Start/Stop
    • Stores your personal set-up drills
    • Monitors usage #balls hit, time used, etc
    • Provides access to pre-established drills
App Usage & features
  • App Download Instructions

Go to Apple App Store and download “Like my Drill

You will be charged .99 cents.